
Back in the VBG again, and tomorrow is a ordinary school day.
I have been working on some of my older photos lately and I was thinking about doing some surf brand advertising photos. Who knows maybe some of the brands will see the photos and give me a phone call 😉 Here are two of the photos, both taken at Pipeline Hawaii last year when me and my homeboy Ryan R were there! The first on is obviously Kelly Slater. The second one is a girl named Dax who is like 14 years old. I was standing next to here dad at the beach when i snapped this pic.


In Norway

A south swell hit Norway last night and we were here. This morning we got some sick waves. It was big and more than we had thought. Some goPro will be up whithin the next days…

Webber opening and some GoPro bracket attchement

Two days ago I got my new board! The first movie is just me opening the package. The second movie is me putting on the GoPro surf brackets on the board for those who don´t know how to do that. It might be boring and don´t look at it if you don´t want to here me talk about nothing important. Its in Swedish to, and some people might find my accent weird 😉


Surfing a island in Sweden

Saturday lunch Lars and I left VBG for some real surfing. We were heading for a new spot and we were meeting up some other surfers out there. Since we wanted a sunrise session we had rented a house with the other guys. Ill guess it wasn´t a bad thing that we could drink some beers and talk about all the EPIC waves we surfed both in Sweden, and around the world the day before surf.
Jonas which is the name of the other Vänern surferdude that I have surfed with before, had some unfinished business. Last time he got the sickest ride I ever seen someone get in Sweden. I think it was tubing a little bit that time. Well this time i made it equal with the wave you going to see in the go pro movie. Not even close to tubing, but probably the longest wave I have got in Sweden. Not a bad day at all. As I said out in the water ” feels a bit like Hawaii”, and it did 😉

Next time going to be a opening and some “tutorials” 😉


One day…

The new spot worked perfect! Beside that I didn´t surf due to material failure. Well lucky Lars who had his own camera man during session!

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Later this week both me and Lars going to celebrate a smaller Christmas. A package each will arrive from surfers paradise. Ill be back with the opening 😉


A new spot

About a month ago me and Johan went to a new potential surf/windsurfing spot. Tomorrow a decent strong east wind-swell going to hit that spot, and it´s hopefully going to be some nice waves and sick rides!!

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