Erica and I spent a couple of days in Paredon. I only surfed twice there since the waves were kind of closing out. After that we went up to northern Guatemala, another small fishing village called Tilapa. On the way to Tilapa we passed through Doles and Chiquitas banana plantation. Endless fields of banana trees.
In Tilapa we stayed at the beach once again. Unfortunately the waves was even worse here and I didn´t go out at all, we still had some good days with a lot of tanning. I also got some time to get restarted with my old alwaysinwater project.
I snaped some photos of some driftwood covered in fishing net. Seems like it´s a lot of ghost net floating around there in the ocean…

At the moment we are sitting at a internet café in Tapachula. From here we going to catch a ten hour bus to Puerto Esondido. If the surf isn´t good there I don´t think there is any surfable waves anywhere 😉

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