Mr Blacks island

Past summer I did some posts when Johan and I went SUP:ing. A couple of times we went this island that we call Mr Blacks island. It is a small island just outside Vänersborg. About 40 years or so it lived an old erimit there. He had a house, a tractor and small bridge who toke him over a small man-made channel. Today Mr Black is dead since many years. The bridge is gone and we couldn’t find the tractor on is Island. Since we didn’t explored that much of the island past summer we decided to do a trip once again.

The only problem with our trip was that most parts of Vänern outside Vänersborg are frozen these days. So we had to put the boards on the quatro and bring them closer to the island were the water is moving a bit more and keeps it from freezing. As all the the swedes know it has been super cold the last couple of days. I think it was about -10 C when we started to paddle out there. When we after five minutes got to the other side the gloves were all icy and the surface on the boards was cover with ice as well. We then made a short walk around the island to find the best campsite. As we had expected it was a small cape with old oaks hanging down in the water that we had looked at some months earlier. We made a small fire and had some hot dogs. When we were about to leave some fog came in over the water and at the same time the sun came out below the clouds and it was just magic.

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Thanks to Johan for snapping some of the pic!!!

Sunset surf

Now in the end of the week high tide is late in the afternoon. Since Alde works best on mid going to high tide, we could finally have a sunset surf for the first time here.
The swell was supposed to be smaller yesterday, but when we got there we could hear the stones rolling down the beach and the waves breaking on the pier louder than the other days. We were lucky. It ended up being the biggest and “cleanest” day on the trip with a perfect sunset with Tenerife in the background. Lasse toke a lot of photos and recorded some from the beach before going out himself, and I recorded almost every wave from the gopro.
I am putting up some photos now, but the gopro going to take a bit longer this time now when I have more material than before. Tomorrow we are flying back to Sweden to reality. Hopefully it’s going to be some more storms before winter hits full on.


Aldea, day two

The second day at the Canaries, Lars and I went back to Aldea. This time we went the opposite way around the island to make the trip shorter. It still takes about one hour and 20 minutes to get there. We have now surfed Aldea about four times, but this day was the first time we saw Tenerife. It was just a couple of kilometers away. I think it might have been clouds and fog the other times we have been there. You can also see Teide (the volcano). What Lars can remember its about 3000 meters high. Should not be to hard to see from a couple of kilometers. Tomorrow we are going back up to the “north shore” to get some waves. We have also been taking go pro movies that I will put up later on.


Some old photos from Consta Rica, Tamarindo

Just found some of my old photos from my Costa Rica trip some rears ago. In a few months Erica and I will be there once again.

At the moments I am in the middle of my finals. I am doing my last final this Saturday. The light in the darkness is that Lars and I going to the Canary Islands this Sunday or Thursday. The swell looks super good!!!


Surfing a island in Sweden

Saturday lunch Lars and I left VBG for some real surfing. We were heading for a new spot and we were meeting up some other surfers out there. Since we wanted a sunrise session we had rented a house with the other guys. Ill guess it wasn´t a bad thing that we could drink some beers and talk about all the EPIC waves we surfed both in Sweden, and around the world the day before surf.
Jonas which is the name of the other Vänern surferdude that I have surfed with before, had some unfinished business. Last time he got the sickest ride I ever seen someone get in Sweden. I think it was tubing a little bit that time. Well this time i made it equal with the wave you going to see in the go pro movie. Not even close to tubing, but probably the longest wave I have got in Sweden. Not a bad day at all. As I said out in the water ” feels a bit like Hawaii”, and it did 😉

Next time going to be a opening and some “tutorials” 😉


Hoddevik & Ervik

Slutar efter 4 minuter lite data problem bara


embedded by Embedded Video


Ett litet bildspel från våran resa till Norge över midsommar helgen! Bestämde mig efter denna resan att köpa en ny videokamera (Canon Legria HF200) och även en ny laptop som klarar av redigering lite bättre.
Någon som har bra förslag på multimedia Laptops som klarar köra redigeringsprogram bra?
Prisklass runt 10000.


Kolla in när Jon surfa på hanns hemsida:
